Nurturing Our Body's Foundation: The Importance of Joint Support in Humans
Your joints are the pillars that support your body's movement, taking care of them is vital for overall well-being.
Human bodies are a complex system, and one integral aspect of this intricate system is our joints. Joints or articulations are the junctions that connect bones, or bone and cartilage together to form connection and perform a wide range of activities including movement [1,2]. As we age, our bodies undergo various changes, and one of the most common concerns is joint health. With time, wear and tears, injuries and/or certain medical conditions, our joints can become a source of discomfort and pain. Pain and stiffness, and injuries in joints result in reduced mobility, which can significantly impact our daily lives[3,4]. This is where joint support supplements may come into play, potentially offering a lifeline to maintain and improve joint health.
Understanding Joints Health
Before diving into joint support supplements, it's essential to understand a few important details about joints. Joints play a pivotal role in our everyday lives, allowing us to walk, run, bend, stretch, and perform a plethora of activities. They exist in various forms. Structurally there are three types of joints based on whether they are connected by fibrous connective tissue (fibrous joints), joined by cartilage (cartilaginous joints), or have articulating surfaces within a lubricated joint cavity (synovial joints). Based on the degree of movement, joints are functionally classified as immovable, slightly moveable and freely immovable. Each type of joint performs a specific function, and they are all equally vital. Synovial joints being the most common joints in humans and allow for free movement between bones. Most common free movement joints are hinge joints (e.g., knee), ball-and-socket joints (e.g., hip), and pivot joints (e.g., neck)[5].
Likely Reasons for Joint Pain
Over time, joints can face inflammatory conditions like arthritis or osteoarthritis[6,7]. These conditions can lead to pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility[8]. Overall, multiple factors contribute to an individual's likelihood of experiencing joint pain.
One of the most significant factors contributing to joint pain is age. Due to natural wear and tear cartilage that cushions the ends of our bones can deteriorate over time, leading to the most common form of arthritis-osteoarthritis, that affects millions of people worldwide[9]. Osteoarthritis primarily targets older individuals, making age a significant risk factor for joint pain. Previous joint injuries aggravate pain in the joints further in old age[10]. Studies have shown that females are more susceptible to joint pain compared to male[11]. Excess weight, particularly in the lower body also increases the risk further[12]. Occupation and lifestyle can also contribute to joint pain, especially in jobs involving repetitive motions or high-impact sports.
Functions of Supplements in Joints
Proper rehabilitation and preventive measures are vital for those with a history of joint injuries. To address these problems, joint support supplements have gained popularity as a natural, non-invasive approach to promote joint health.
Glucosamine is naturally synthesized in our body, and it plays an important role in joints, joint fluids, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments[13]. Some of the key roles it plays in the overall health of joints and bones are:
- Cartilage formation: Glucosamine is a crucial component of cartilage, and it helps in the formation and repair of cartilage, which is essential for joint flexibility and mobility[14,15].
- Chondroitin sulfate production: In our body glucosamine is used to synthesize chondroitin sulfate, another component of cartilage. Chondroitin helps to maintain the elasticity and shock-absorbing properties of cartilage[16,17].
- Joint lubrication: Glucosamine can aid in the regeneration of synovial fluid, which lubricates the joints. The lubrication from synovial fluid is crucial for reducing friction between joint surfaces and preventing joint pain and stiffness[18,19].
- Osteoarthritis: Glucosamine supplements are often used to manage osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease. Research has shown that glucosamine can alleviate joint pain, reduce joint stiffness, and slow the progression of the condition[20,21].
- Anti-Inflammatory properties: Some studies have suggested that glucosamine may have anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is a common factor in joint conditions like osteoarthritis, and reducing inflammation can contribute to better joint health[22,23].
- Joint and bone health: glucosamine indirectly supports overall bone health. Healthy bones with healthy joints are essential for maintaining mobility and flexibility, which, in turn, can help prevent bone loss and maintain bone density.
Chondroitin sulfate is a natural biomacromolecule in humans which is also a major component of cartilage, ligaments, tendons and bones[24]. Chondroitin sulfate in conjunction with glucosamine supports joint function[25,26].
Like glucosamine, chondroitin also helps keeps cartilage healthy, helps in joint lubrication, has anti-Inflammatory properties which are beneficial in osteoarthritis management[17]. Chondroitin sulfate (CS) inhibits rheumatic disease-related enzymes in synovial fluid. In this way, it stops destruction of cartilage and stimulates processes and synthesis of macromolecules involved in the formation of new cartilage. It also stimulates hyaluronic acid production which improves viscosity of synovial fluid[27,28].
Hyaluronic Acid
Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a naturally occurring gel-like substance found in various parts of the body, most importantly, in the synovial fluid[29]. It has viscoelastic property, due to which it acts as a shock absorber and lubricant for our joints, helping to reduce friction and maintain smooth, pain-free movement[30,31,32].
MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane)
Methylsulfonylmethane, commonly known as MSM, occurs naturally in humans, animals, and in green plants, fruits, and vegetables[33]. Studies have shown that MSM, alone or in combination with glucosamine and chondroitin, may help reduce joint pain and improve function in individuals with osteoarthritis. It's believed to reduce inflammation and support collagen production, which is vital for healthy joints[34,35,36,37].
Calcium and Vitamin D
Calcium and vitamin D play important roles in maintaining joint health, and their relationship is closely linked[38]. Calcium is a primary mineral crucial for maintaining bone strength and density, supporting joint structure, and providing a stable foundation for ligaments and tendons[39]. Vitamin D helps regulate calcium levels in the blood by facilitating the absorption of calcium from the intestines[40,41]. Inadequate calcium intake can lead to weakened bones, making them more susceptible to fractures and osteoporosis[42,43]. Without sufficient vitamin D, even if you have an adequate dietary intake of calcium, the body cannot absorb and utilize calcium effectively, leading to calcium deficiency and an increased risk of bone and joint problems[38,44,45].
Collagen, the most abundant protein in the human body and joints rely on collagen to stay strong and pain-free[46,47]. Collagen provides the structural foundation for tendons, ligaments, and cartilage, the key components of joints[48]. Collagen's lubricating and cushioning properties can ease the friction in joints, making movements smoother and more comfortable[49]. For those suffering from conditions like osteoarthritis, especially elderly people, collagen may offer relief by protecting and repairing the cartilage[50,51,52].
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
The three primary omega-3 fatty acids EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), and ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) are essential fats found in certain foods like fish and fish oil, flax seed, soybean, walnuts and obtained through diets[53]. These essential fats are known for their numerous health benefits including joint health[54,55]. They have anti-inflammatory properties and were specifically found helpful to reduce joint pain and stiffness in people with rheumatoid arthritis[56,57].
Significance of Joint Support Supplements
Glucosamine, hyaluronic acid, and chondroitin sulfate are important basic components of joint supplements. As a joint support supplement, they can help reduce inflammation and alleviate joint pain. A meta-analysis suggests that chondroitin provides a moderate benefit for pain and has a large effect on function in knee OA[58]. It was found that chondroitin-glucosamine is effective and safe in the symptomatic and functional improvement of patients with temporomandibular disorders[26].
Joint supplements promote improved joint mobility by supporting the health of the cartilage, synovial fluid, and surrounding tissues[59]. This enables individuals to maintain their range of motion and engage in daily activities without discomfort. Cartilage is the cushioning tissue that protects our joints. Over time, it can break down, leading to conditions like osteoarthritis[60].
Joint support supplements can help slow down this deterioration and, in some cases, stimulate the body's natural cartilage repair processes[61,62]. Synovial fluid lubricates joints, reducing friction and facilitating smooth movement. Supplements containing hyaluronic acid can enhance the production of synovial fluid, ensuring that your joints move effortlessly[19,63,64].
Remember, your joints are the pillars that support your body's movement, so taking care of them is a vital part of your overall well-being. Joint support supplements offer an accessible and natural solution for maintaining and improving joint health. With the increasing emphasis on an active lifestyle, these supplements have gained significant importance in recent times. By prioritizing joint health and incorporating joint support supplements into daily routine, people can potentially alleviate pain, improve mobility, and enjoy an active, pain-free life. Joint supplements are not only for those who already experience joint problems. They can also be used proactively to prevent joint issues and maintain long-term joint health. This is particularly relevant for individuals who engage in high-impact sports or have a family history of joint conditions. However, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any supplement regimen, as they can provide personalized advice and recommendations based on your specific needs and medical history.
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